Marketing, the ever-changing mystery commission artist must have some understanding of to survive.
Over the years, I have sent out postcards and letters, attended appointments and committee meetings, and displayed at craft shows.
These are the building blocks to gathering interest in my art. They are also time-consuming and usually take a long time to pay off.
One of the rewards of growing older is word of mouth. Occasionally, I get an email from someone who saw my work years ago and now has the place and funds to advance. Or, they read an article about my work and placed it in a drawer with the thought of future use.
I am flattered when someone wants to include my work in their home.
Of course, the internet, including websites, social media, blogs, and emails, is the way to market today. Unlike in the old days when I had to put so much effort into marketing, now I can reach a much broader audience in less time and with less expense.
Today, everyone can search worldwide for what they want, but when they circle back to me and let me know I am the one they want to work with, my heart leaps with gratitude for living long enough to experience the electronic world we live in.