I’m going to be seventy-six in a couple of weeks.

I spend considerable time thinking about life, especially the changes that have occurred during my lifetime.

When we couldn’t use calculators in statistics class, NASA was the only one with computers, and I relied so heavily on my paperback Webster Dictionary.

I remember how others laid out our lives with medals, ribbons, and negative feedback, creating a well-defined course. For some, this provided security, comfort, and certainty.

I was miserable.

I love this electronic age. I feel connected to friends, to the rest of the world, to what people are doing with their lives, to innovations and social changes, and to everything that is always available through this portable gadget I carry around in my pocket.

I’m well aware some people are trying to destroy this creation, but isn’t a part of life, trying to figure out what is right and wrong?

But what I appreciate the most about this stage of our evolution is that I am now in charge of my development, with so many resources at my fingertips.