The proper title for what I do is artist/craftsman.
I first heard of this description when I was in my early twenties. I was drawn to it because it is all-encompassing. I didn’t have to include anyone else in my creation; it set the stage for my free expression.
I’m not fond of titles. This goes back to my experience dealing with too many people with credentials who need to have the minds of their professions.
Around thirty years ago, a much younger artist asked me how long it took me to begin to feel like an artist. I told him seventeen years, and then I lost it again. I thought he was going to faint.
The older I get, the less titles mean to me. People know.
We are all so complicated that making a value judgment would take enormous time, open up large areas for speculation, and possibly lead to someone asking for evidence.
There are times I’m introduced as a real artist. I like the word “real.” I don’t think it gets any better than that.